Bike Day Sixteen -- Blanding, UT to Priest Gulch Campground (near Stoner, CO)

We took an extra day in Blanding for a little rest. We switch campsites at Blue Mountain, so that we had shade during the day. After getting a little work done online we ventured out for ice cream. When we asked the young lady serving us what she would do if she had a day in Blanding she told us about some ruins just outside town that we could hike to...

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We couldn't believe that we got to get up close and personal with these ruins. Thanks, gal from the ice cream shop!

We couldn't believe that we got to get up close and personal with these ruins. Thanks, gal from the ice cream shop!

We stayed overnight in Blanding and then the next morning it was on to Dolores and Stoner...heading toward Telluride.

We stayed overnight in Blanding and then the next morning it was on to Dolores and Stoner...heading toward Telluride.

Once Cami got us settled into our campground at Priest Gulch she biked back to me to finish the day's ride.

Once Cami got us settled into our campground at Priest Gulch she biked back to me to finish the day's ride.

Ice cream for the finishers!

Ice cream for the finishers!

Our campsite was right on Priest Creek...gentle sounds of ripping water all night...

Our campsite was right on Priest Creek...gentle sounds of ripping water all night...

Bike Day Fifteen -- Hite, UT to Blanding, UT

Since I had biked a bit past our campground in Hite, Cami dropped me off early back at that spot so I could get going from the same starting point (and I wouldn't have to bike back up the same stretch of road a second time)

Sunrise outside Hite

Sunrise outside Hite

Cami met me on the road, biked a bit, and then we took a drive through the park...with a short hike

Cami met me on the road, biked a bit, and then we took a drive through the park...with a short hike

One of many cattle grates I had to ride over throughout the trip

One of many cattle grates I had to ride over throughout the trip

You can't really see the ruins in the shadows here, but there are some Native American dwellings visible from this point.

You can't really see the ruins in the shadows here, but there are some Native American dwellings visible from this point.

In Bears Ears National own little cradle

In Bears Ears National own little cradle

Blue Mountain RV park...

Blue Mountain RV park...

Sunset at our campground

Sunset at our campground

Bike Day Fourteen -- Torrey, UT to Hite, UT (on Lake Powell)

Wonderland RV Park in Torrey had the cleanest bathrooms and showers thus far. That was just an FYI - ha! The showers were free but you had to start a timer and then after 10 minutes it was done and would not restart for 5 minutes. Ingenious. Kept people moving in and out, for sure.

After I left on the bike Cami went on a hike/trail run on her own up to Hickman's Bridge. Lots of families -- many with hot little crying kids -- shared the route, but the views were spectacular once again, as have all of our sites been out west so far...

Cami had read reviews about this random bakery in the middle of nowhere. When she stopped, the baker came inside from his outdoor oven and asked, "Where are you from?" Cami replied, "La Crosse, Wisconsin." He replied, "You're the second one today fr…

Cami had read reviews about this random bakery in the middle of nowhere. When she stopped, the baker came inside from his outdoor oven and asked, "Where are you from?" Cami replied, "La Crosse, Wisconsin." He replied, "You're the second one today from La Crosse..." Cami laughed -- "that was my husband!" He replied, "Oh, he stopped here hours ago for a cup of coffee." At least Cami knew she was on the right track...and snagged us a couple cinnamon rolls, a loaf of homemade white bread, and cornbread muffins.

Getting hot and dry as the day wears on...looking down on Lake Powell...

Getting hot and dry as the day wears on...looking down on Lake Powell...

Desolate here...we were the only ones in the campground. It was so hot and so windy...but in the middle of the night it was just too warm to keep our camper windows closed (and no air conditioning because we had no electricity). We opened the window…

Desolate here...we were the only ones in the campground. It was so hot and so windy...but in the middle of the night it was just too warm to keep our camper windows closed (and no air conditioning because we had no electricity). We opened the windows and all night whenever there was a strong wind we got a coating of fine red dust. Nice.

Quite a climb into Hite

Quite a climb into Hite

No one at the campground except us and this monster!

No one at the campground except us and this monster!

If you can see the white line on the cliff across Lake Powell, that's call "the bathtub ring."  That is how far down the water is in Lake Powell. This is a no-longer-used cement dock...pretty desolate here. We felt badly for the gas station/con…

If you can see the white line on the cliff across Lake Powell, that's call "the bathtub ring."  That is how far down the water is in Lake Powell. This is a no-longer-used cement dock...pretty desolate here. We felt badly for the gas station/convenience store guy working in Hite. He said that for the last 6 years its been like this.

Bike Day Thirteen -- Boulder, Utah to Torrey, Utah

I started biking really early this morning. I wanted to coast down hell's backbone from the top and then climb back out.  Cami stayed at the campground until I got to her, since I had to back track a bit. When I got there we packed up and I kept going...

We cut the day before short, so I could ride this early in the morning before all the rental RV's with wide mirrors that could take you out! You would fall 1,000 feet on either side before you would hit bottom. 

We cut the day before short, so I could ride this early in the morning before all the rental RV's with wide mirrors that could take you out! You would fall 1,000 feet on either side before you would hit bottom. 

The row of green at the bottom of the crevice is grass, trees and a stream that support wildlife that you would not expect to find in such an environment.

The row of green at the bottom of the crevice is grass, trees and a stream that support wildlife that you would not expect to find in such an environment.

This is the same area but after descending into it at sunrise...

This is the same area but after descending into it at sunrise...

Hall's store...our campground overnight. The owner kindly left the convenience store bathroom unlocked all night for us as we camped with 4 others. The morning was very busy here with all the cowboys stopping for gas and a donut on their way to work…

Hall's store...our campground overnight. The owner kindly left the convenience store bathroom unlocked all night for us as we camped with 4 others. The morning was very busy here with all the cowboys stopping for gas and a donut on their way to work for the day with their livestock haulers.

Fillin' up the water jugs at the ole waterin' hole...

Fillin' up the water jugs at the ole waterin' hole...

It was hot out there!!

It was hot out there!!

Mr. Incredible got bounced around like a crazy man on the way in and out of "Grand Wash" (found out later the other end of the "wash" could be accessed from a paved road!) Been putting that National Park Pass to good use.

Mr. Incredible got bounced around like a crazy man on the way in and out of "Grand Wash" (found out later the other end of the "wash" could be accessed from a paved road!) Been putting that National Park Pass to good use.

Bike Day Twelve -- Panguitch, UT to Boulder, UT

Panguitch was a cute little town....


We decided to stay at a "self-serve" campground outside town. It was the best deal and had vacancy. It was kind of odd to slide the payment envelope under the door of what appeared to be a closed down office, but it worked! Taylor did a little work on his bike then we explored the downtown and had dinner at what we later found to be one of many "fusion" restaurants. It was called Tandoori Taqueria. The owner said it was her baby...and indeed they did have both Indian food and tacos! We got to eat outside watching the vacationers walk and drive around.


The trip from Panquitch to Boulder was spectacular. The morning started with seeing another balloon launch overhead -- and it was only 42 degrees! But as the day went on the numbers went up to 96-106...and I even registered 111 degree on a section of the climb, where parts were over 10% grade. Because of the climbing involved I didn't get quite as far today as I hoped -- but the owner of a grocery store where we stopped told us that sometimes he drove all the way to Boulder for a meal at Hell's Backbone it wasn't all bad that we ended up in Boulder this night. We camped at "Hall's Store" lined up with 4 other campers.  

Entering Bryce Canyon on a dedicated bike path

Entering Bryce Canyon on a dedicated bike path

There was a paved path for a dozen miles, that Cami joined me on (remember, it was chilly this morning!)

There was a paved path for a dozen miles, that Cami joined me on (remember, it was chilly this morning!)

Why yes, the pavement is melting here. This was when it was 111 degrees...and a 14% grade

Why yes, the pavement is melting here. This was when it was 111 degrees...and a 14% grade


Bike Day Eleven -- Cedar City, UT to Panguitch, UT

Getting ready for the day

Getting ready for the day

Cami's project when I left -- refilling all the water bottles

Cami's project when I left -- refilling all the water bottles

Biking through Cedar City was a great experience, given that it is another city that has a paved bikeway that runs through the middle of town that is separated from any roads.  When I got to the end of the bikeway I was greeted by a rather intimidating sign that informed me what I could look forward to for the next 15 miles -- which was more like 25!


The climb up the valley was one of the more rewarding bike sections that I have ever done. Each turn presented me with another stunning vista or formation -- each one better than the last. One of the reasons biking took me so long this day was that I could not stop stopping to take photos along the way. 

The summit for the day was 10,600 feet

The summit for the day was 10,600 feet

At the Cedar Breaks Visitor Center

At the Cedar Breaks Visitor Center


Bike Day Ten -- Summit out in no-mans-land watching a few cows on the hillside to Cedar City, UT

I got up early and did another 100 miler. One incredible moment was watching real cowboys herd their animals across highway 21. As I got closer I noted that the three nearest me were kids...and the dad was on a motorcycle, doing his part. I talked to the guys and got a photo.  Cami caught up to me here with the vehicle, as I stopped to watch (and carefully made my way past some other cows up the road who were a bit close for comfort! It might be another night for steak...or beef brisket :) 

Cami drove to Minersville and biked back 13 miles to Milford, met up with me and then biked another 13 back to Minersville, where we had sandwiches at Todd's Market and stopped at the post office. I continued biking and met up with Cami in Cedar City where we stayed at Cedar Breaks campground with showers, water, electric and wifi.


Bike Day Nine -- Ely to the top of a summit somewhere between Garrison and Milford UT

This was a 100 mile bike day and there is nothing for 84 miles between Garrison and Milford so we parked on a pull-off and had a very quiet night on this lonely road. Only about 15 or so vehicles passed going either direction for about 18 hours!

Garrison, Utah

Garrison, Utah

The view from our camper, parked on the side of the road at a summit

The view from our camper, parked on the side of the road at a summit

Summit-top sunset boon-docking

Summit-top sunset boon-docking

Bike Day Eight -- Illipah Reservoir to Ely, NV

This was only a 37 mile bike, so I started a little before 6am with the intention of getting to Ely with plenty of time to get to our KOA campground, shower and get to church there in Ely. We made it, but barely. The winds were incredible at 30+ mph -- and not in my favor.

This was another morning when Cami had planned to bike with me after she drove the 37 miles to the KOA. It was blowing so hard she decided to run instead. Downhill wasn't too bad, but back up the hill to the campground, at elevation and in the wind...let's just say it was stop and go. Despite a number of runs, she hasn't felt like they were all that great. Let's hope the elevation makes up for the speed and distance in the long run!

At the beginning of my ride I got a call from Jessica before she left for two weeks in Guatemala with a co-hort from her NP program at Emory. They are going to train midwives and work in a clinic there. That was a great start to Father's Day!

I arrived at the KOA at about 9am, right after Cami got back from her run. She was at the entrance waiting for me to arrive, as I had texted her that I was only 2 miles away. A good 15 minutes later I came into view. On arrival Cami noted that my nose was bleeding and that I looked like a wreck! In fact the wind was so loud in my ears that I took my bike gloves off and stuffed them in my helmet like earmuffs! She took a video of the windy arrival (not sure it will load...). 

We made it to the methodist church for their 9:30am service, though!

We checked out Ely, got blended lattes, and walked around the town museum and Nevada rail museum. I got calls from Chet and Hudson, and called my own dad, then ended the day with a great Father's Day steak dinner at the Jailhouse...sitting in a "jail cell."

Cami's hair blowing on her run...#Iwhipmyhairallaround

Cami's hair blowing on her run...#Iwhipmyhairallaround

One of the climbs into Ely...

One of the climbs into Ely...

Bike Day Seven -- Bob Scott Campground (outside Austin) thru Eureka to Illipah Reservoir

Bob Scott Campground kept us out of some of the wind for the night, and provided toilets. What more could we ask for? We grilled hamburgers and had a nice overnight. Early the next morning we were off again.

We stopped for lunch at the grocery story deli in Eureka after some good climbing. Cami attempted to join me for part of the ride but gave up after about 10 minutes since it was so windy and she felt she was going to be blown over. It was a very challenging day of climbing. When we met up and were deciding to stop for the day or not -- because I was about toast by then -- I said "If there is another climb around this bend I will just turn around and we'll stop for the day. I can't do another climb."

Well...we got around the bend and sure enough it was a climb. Cami drove up to the top and turned around and told me, "It's a two mile winding climb. Do you just want to coast back to where we started and I'll pick you up?" I decided to go for it...and after the climb was a long downhill to the entrance of our camping area for the night, Illipah Reservoir, about 37 miles outside Ely, NV. (However, even though it was a long downhill, there was still an intense headwind and I had to pedal to hit 14mph!)

Eureka! We found it!

Eureka! We found it!

...and this was free camping!

...and this was free camping!
