Bike Day Seven -- Bob Scott Campground (outside Austin) thru Eureka to Illipah Reservoir

Bob Scott Campground kept us out of some of the wind for the night, and provided toilets. What more could we ask for? We grilled hamburgers and had a nice overnight. Early the next morning we were off again.

We stopped for lunch at the grocery story deli in Eureka after some good climbing. Cami attempted to join me for part of the ride but gave up after about 10 minutes since it was so windy and she felt she was going to be blown over. It was a very challenging day of climbing. When we met up and were deciding to stop for the day or not -- because I was about toast by then -- I said "If there is another climb around this bend I will just turn around and we'll stop for the day. I can't do another climb."

Well...we got around the bend and sure enough it was a climb. Cami drove up to the top and turned around and told me, "It's a two mile winding climb. Do you just want to coast back to where we started and I'll pick you up?" I decided to go for it...and after the climb was a long downhill to the entrance of our camping area for the night, Illipah Reservoir, about 37 miles outside Ely, NV. (However, even though it was a long downhill, there was still an intense headwind and I had to pedal to hit 14mph!)

Eureka! We found it!

Eureka! We found it!

...and this was free camping!

...and this was free camping!
