Bike Day Fifteen -- Hite, UT to Blanding, UT

Since I had biked a bit past our campground in Hite, Cami dropped me off early back at that spot so I could get going from the same starting point (and I wouldn't have to bike back up the same stretch of road a second time)

Sunrise outside Hite

Sunrise outside Hite

Cami met me on the road, biked a bit, and then we took a drive through the park...with a short hike

Cami met me on the road, biked a bit, and then we took a drive through the park...with a short hike

One of many cattle grates I had to ride over throughout the trip

One of many cattle grates I had to ride over throughout the trip

You can't really see the ruins in the shadows here, but there are some Native American dwellings visible from this point.

You can't really see the ruins in the shadows here, but there are some Native American dwellings visible from this point.

In Bears Ears National own little cradle

In Bears Ears National own little cradle

Blue Mountain RV park...

Blue Mountain RV park...

Sunset at our campground

Sunset at our campground