Bike Day Thirty-Six: Danville, KY to Buckhorn, KY

After Taylor took off to bike the hollers of Kentucky, I took a run through the down of Danville.An interesting conglomeration of odd town downtown Danville.

After Taylor took off to bike the hollers of Kentucky, I took a run through the down of Danville.

An interesting conglomeration of odd town downtown Danville.

A park on the outskirts of town

A park on the outskirts of town

I had to make sure Jessica saw this sign as she studies family practice and midwifery - yipes!

I had to make sure Jessica saw this sign as she studies family practice and midwifery - yipes!

I thought it might be nice to offer James a ride today to give him some relief from his soreness. When I texted to offer a ride he accepted, so I picked him after I left fact I picked up James, Lance, both their bikes and their quite f…

I thought it might be nice to offer James a ride today to give him some relief from his soreness. When I texted to offer a ride he accepted, so I picked him after I left fact I picked up James, Lance, both their bikes and their quite full panniers! The van was full but it was nice to have some riding companions for the morning.

Maybe chatting a bit too much, several miles down the road I missed a turn on the TransAmerica route, so I needed to turn around. I thought that the road I saw led into a church parking lot and would be a perfect place to turn around -- but once I pulled in to the road I found that it was actually a dead end. I had to back out into the road. Already I was thankful that Lance and James were there to watch for cars coming up the rise. This was oddity of the day #1.

The next oddity was that my cell phone froze up. I think it happened when I was in an area with very limited cell service and Taylor sent 3 photos. Thankfully the guys were using the same route so they navigated during that stretch of time.

The third oddity of the day was that on a windy country road with rollers the camper came off the hitch. Thankfully the break actuator engaged and with only 2 strange "tugs" the camper braked and I stopped. The three of us got out and saw that the tongue of the camper was on the ground, there was the smell of burning brakes -- but we were all safe. Lance directed cars around us, I cranked up the trailer to a height where I could get it back on the hitch and James helped guide me back on. I look back on it and am so thankful the guys were there, that it was the not much more windy and hilly roads we were on the next day, that this was not on an incline or descent, but basically a short straight stretch.  God's hand of protection was very evident. I was pretty shaken, but we carried on. Since then I have been checking and double checking that hitch! 

This "jack" got bent up...and later we found that the front had a small stress facture, but overall we were in pretty good shape after such an incident.

After dropping off the guys near the B & B they were going to stay at for the night. They might have been very glad to be away from me after such a day of "excitement"!

After dropping off the guys near the B & B they were going to stay at for the night. They might have been very glad to be away from me after such a day of "excitement"!

Taylor and I stayed at Buckhorn Reservoir and Dam that night, with various random dogs walking around the campground. These were signs of things to come more and more for Taylor while he biked. So far, he only got chased a couple times out on the ba…

Taylor and I stayed at Buckhorn Reservoir and Dam that night, with various random dogs walking around the campground. These were signs of things to come more and more for Taylor while he biked. So far, he only got chased a couple times out on the back roads.

A little duct tape repair job to make sure no water would get in to the stress factured spot on the rest of the trip

A little duct tape repair job to make sure no water would get in to the stress factured spot on the rest of the trip


Bike Day Thirty-Five: Sonora, KY to Danville, KY

Back in the "spied on" parking lot, ready to head out for the day...

Our plan was that Taylor would bike about 3 hours and meet me for a tour of Maker's Mark, right on the route. As I drove into the town of Loretto on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail I noted these ominous black buildings...

Our plan was that Taylor would bike about 3 hours and meet me for a tour of Maker's Mark, right on the route. As I drove into the town of Loretto on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail I noted these ominous black buildings...

We later found out that they house the bourbon. It has to be in the barrels for 5-7 years!

We later found out that they house the bourbon. It has to be in the barrels for 5-7 years!

The grounds were lovely, the scent of fermenting yeast wafted through the entire community, and our walking tour was very interesting.

The grounds were lovely, the scent of fermenting yeast wafted through the entire community, and our walking tour was very interesting.

They let us stick our finger in this vat and taste it...step one in the process...

They let us stick our finger in this vat and taste it...step one in the process...

These folks are distributors and reps tasting. Fine dining establishments can adjust the flavor of their own brew by changing out the oak slats that sit in the barrel.

These folks are distributors and reps tasting. Fine dining establishments can adjust the flavor of their own brew by changing out the oak slats that sit in the barrel.

Each bottle is hand dipped in the bright red wax. Wow.

Each bottle is hand dipped in the bright red wax. Wow.

After the tour Taylor kept biking and eventually we got to Danville, our destination for the day. When I got there I drove over the the library...and parked. I got a text from James that said "Hey, we just saw you drive by...we are eating at the chi…

After the tour Taylor kept biking and eventually we got to Danville, our destination for the day. When I got there I drove over the the library...and parked. I got a text from James that said "Hey, we just saw you drive by...we are eating at the chicken place around the corner." Once again we leap frogged with these guys and had a fun chat. James shared that he was getting a little sore and really hadn't rested much the whole trip. They continued on a bit further that day and we found a campground right outside town.

We had to check out the chicken place, too! It was worth it!Our campground was actually called Pioneer Playhouse and RV campground. It was very interesting...more worn down than the pictures make it appear, but it was a unique spot. Sadly we were th…

We had to check out the chicken place, too! It was worth it!

Our campground was actually called Pioneer Playhouse and RV campground. It was very interesting...more worn down than the pictures make it appear, but it was a unique spot. Sadly we were there the one night inbetween dinner shows so we missed out on that.

There was lots of history there, including stories and photos from old shows and stars who had performed or attended, as well as this log cabin that you could walk in to.

There was lots of history there, including stories and photos from old shows and stars who had performed or attended, as well as this log cabin that you could walk in to.

But in terms of a campground? Well...let's say it was a little strange and a little shady. We did not end up taking showers there at all. Taylor wasn't a fan of the fact that each shower stall had two shower heads.

But in terms of a campground? Well...let's say it was a little strange and a little shady. We did not end up taking showers there at all. Taylor wasn't a fan of the fact that each shower stall had two shower heads.

Camping at the Pioneer Playhouse campground by mostly long-term campers including a young couple trying to save money to get a house.

Camping at the Pioneer Playhouse campground by mostly long-term campers including a young couple trying to save money to get a house.

Bike Day Thirty-Four: Utica to Sonora, KY

On the way out of our campground this morning we saw this guy in the road!

There definitely was storm damage in the area last night.

There definitely was storm damage in the area last night.

Still a little threatening...

Still a little threatening...

When we got to Sonora, there were two bikers there that we had leap frogged with a couple times already on the trip. We talked to Lance and James for a while, then they continued on for the day. We were going to stay put in the Sonora area, as Taylo…

When we got to Sonora, there were two bikers there that we had leap frogged with a couple times already on the trip. We talked to Lance and James for a while, then they continued on for the day. We were going to stay put in the Sonora area, as Taylor had already gone about 85 miles that day and it was getting kind of late in the afternoon after chatting with the guys for a while. Once again Sonora itself was a town that really had nothing open -- in fact, the restaurant/convenience store Lance and James were sitting in front of had closed for the day minutes before they got there (1:30pm!) though our TransAmerica Bike trail maps note towns with convenience stores, restaurants, library, etc it is usually pretty hit or miss as to whether any will be open. A library or post office may just be open a few hours per week, depending on the size of the town. We had to go north of Sonora to find a campground, but it was a nice one with very friendly staff -- Glendale campground.

We went to downtown Glendale that evening to walk around. Too bad we had already eaten dinner since the restaurant there looked wonderful...very rustic and cute...but we did get ice cream anyway :)

We went to downtown Glendale that evening to walk around. Too bad we had already eaten dinner since the restaurant there looked wonderful...very rustic and cute...but we did get ice cream anyway :)

We took a break day the next day and drove to Mammoth Cave and did a self-guided walking tour there. Taylor has some photos we'll add from there. It was a rainy day, so a great day to take a break from biking and see the sights.

We took a break day the next day and drove to Mammoth Cave and did a self-guided walking tour there. Taylor has some photos we'll add from there. It was a rainy day, so a great day to take a break from biking and see the sights.

A car ferry that runs continuously in the the park. The ferry across the Ohio that we took before could take 12 vehicles and had two sailors(?) - one to drive and one to chain it up on the other side. This ferry has only one staff person. Maneuverin…

A car ferry that runs continuously in the the park. The ferry across the Ohio that we took before could take 12 vehicles and had two sailors(?) - one to drive and one to chain it up on the other side. This ferry has only one staff person. Maneuvering is assisted by cables that run across the water.

After the news of the boys soccer team trapped in a cave, it was of particular interest to read about this attempted cave rescue. Cave explorer Floyd Collins was checking out a new cave, when his foot knocked a rock loose which trapped him. After hi…

After the news of the boys soccer team trapped in a cave, it was of particular interest to read about this attempted cave rescue. Cave explorer Floyd Collins was checking out a new cave, when his foot knocked a rock loose which trapped him. After his family found him the next day they brought him provisions and encouragement and started the rescue, including trying to pull him out with horses. No luck. Then falling rock further trapped him and ended communication with him. When he was found several days after tunneling down from above he had already passed away.  The story talked about how the site became very popular during the rescue attempts days. Families would drive out and bring a picnic lunch there to watch the goings on and to hope for the best for Floyd and his family.

After our day of exploring we stayed overnight at Glendale again and then back at it the next day.

After our day of exploring we stayed overnight at Glendale again and then back at it the next day.

Bike Day Thirty-Three: Cave-in-Rock, IL to Utica, KY (Windy Hollow Campground north towards Owensboro)

Cave-in-Rock was a cute little town that was bike focused...but there were no open shops or restaurants other than the one in the state park itself.

All through the town there were brightly painted bikes...We took one of the first ferries of the day to the Kentucky side.

All through the town there were brightly painted bikes...

We took one of the first ferries of the day to the Kentucky side.

Off he goes...only to stop shortly to take a photo. Officially in Kentucky!

Off he goes...only to stop shortly to take a photo. Officially in Kentucky!

We passed Rough River Dam State Park

We passed Rough River Dam State Park

Gotta have horses in Kentucky...we thought these twins were cool!

Gotta have horses in Kentucky...we thought these twins were cool!

This visitor center had a replica of the ferry in its window

This visitor center had a replica of the ferry in its window

After a stop in Sebree for a cold drink we decided to continue on a bit further to Utica. I biked a stretch with Taylor this afternoon. The van and camper were parked in a large paved parking lot used for three churches near one another. We got watc…

After a stop in Sebree for a cold drink we decided to continue on a bit further to Utica. I biked a stretch with Taylor this afternoon. The van and camper were parked in a large paved parking lot used for three churches near one another. We got watched when I parked and after we returned and put our things back in the van and camper. 

On the ride we saw this tree. I named it "A long obedience in the same direction"

You wouldn't guess it here but the skies were back and forth threatening rain and thunderstorms this afternoon. We drove to this campground...Windy Hollow...and were amazed that it was so very beautiful but so very empty.

You wouldn't guess it here but the skies were back and forth threatening rain and thunderstorms this afternoon. We drove to this campground...Windy Hollow...and were amazed that it was so very beautiful but so very empty.

Toward evening the camp manager came by in his golf cart to talk with us about sheltering in the bathrooms if there was a bad storm. He also told us a story about how there was a lot of drug activity at the campground when they bought it...that 400 …

Toward evening the camp manager came by in his golf cart to talk with us about sheltering in the bathrooms if there was a bad storm. He also told us a story about how there was a lot of drug activity at the campground when they bought it...that 400 people would come to the beach on a saturday...and a long story about how he chased some folks out. He showed us the baseball bat and machete that he keeps in his golf cart to keep order. Okay! Great!

The sky looks lovely but storms were threatening. We let the kids know where we were since there were tornadoes nearby and a watch where we were as well.


Bike Day Thirty-Two: Murphysboro, IL to Cave-in-Rock State Park, IL

We never spotted a "bathhouse" but the next morning on my way out I saw it by the boating area...I don't know...maybe it was just as well. (However, this by no means was as bad looking as some!)

Murphysboro is supposedly known for both BBQ and apples?! We only saw one BBQ place in town...

Murphysboro is supposedly known for both BBQ and apples?! We only saw one BBQ place in town...

After Taylor enjoyed some $3.99 pancakes I caught up to him here and ordered myself a $1.75 chocolate shake...but I saved it in the freezer until after my run at Tunnel Hill several miles further on our route.

After Taylor enjoyed some $3.99 pancakes I caught up to him here and ordered myself a $1.75 chocolate shake...but I saved it in the freezer until after my run at Tunnel Hill several miles further on our route.

It looked cool and enticing...

It looked cool and enticing...

But it got pretty dark pretty fast. I had to stop and start several times -- and make some noises -- before I got up the courage to sprint all the way through!

But it got pretty dark pretty fast. I had to stop and start several times -- and make some noises -- before I got up the courage to sprint all the way through!

...but I made it!

...but I made it!

and found this little spot on the other side, complete with cold water and trusting can to put your cash into!

and found this little spot on the other side, complete with cold water and trusting can to put your cash into!

After my run (and my shake!) I kept driving until I got to Rosiclare. There was a possibility of staying here at the campground...but did they have showers? sadly we carried on...however it was a cute campground on the water and a cute littl…

After my run (and my shake!) I kept driving until I got to Rosiclare. There was a possibility of staying here at the campground...but did they have showers? sadly we carried on...however it was a cute campground on the water and a cute little town. 

The campground host talked to me about the former mine there. He gave me a couple pieces of flourspar that he collects to give to visitors and told me that it became cheaper to mine it in Japan and ship it here, so the mine closed.

a memorial to the lost miners...

a memorial to the lost miners...

When I arrived in Cave-in-Rock I got on my bike to meet up with Taylor. 

When I arrived in Cave-in-Rock I got on my bike to meet up with Taylor. 

I took a different route than he was taking and we never ended up figuring out if he was in front of me or behind me so I ended up in town about 10 minutes before he did.

I took a different route than he was taking and we never ended up figuring out if he was in front of me or behind me so I ended up in town about 10 minutes before he did.

The tourist office was open and the water fountain was so nice and cold! I thought it was interesting that this office also hosted government officials, but still had scripture posted.

The tourist office was open and the water fountain was so nice and cold! I thought it was interesting that this office also hosted government officials, but still had scripture posted.

We had to check out "Cave-in-Rock" of course...very cool!

We had to check out "Cave-in-Rock" of course...very cool!


Bike Day Thirty-One: Pilot Knob, MO to Murphysboro Lake State Park, IL

We started today back at the same gas station where I picked up Taylor when he had his flat a few days ago, before we went to Wheaton.

Back at least with freshly washed bike clothes!Today we crossed into Illinois.

Back at least with freshly washed bike clothes!

Today we crossed into Illinois.

How great is this?! As soon as you cross the Mississippi there are signs to point you to the mental health center or the penitentiary. When I sent this to my brother Kent he asked, "Which is Taylor headed to?"

How great is this?! As soon as you cross the Mississippi there are signs to point you to the mental health center or the penitentiary. When I sent this to my brother Kent he asked, "Which is Taylor headed to?"

Right at the border is Chester...

Right at the border is Chester...

The views on my run around town.

The views on my run around town.

Anything for a little run break!And I thought of when our youth group went to Cairo...

Anything for a little run break!

And I thought of when our youth group went to Cairo...

We stayed overnight in Murphysboro. I was pretty sure they had read somewhere that they had a "bathhouse" and they did have electricity.

We stayed overnight in Murphysboro. I was pretty sure they had read somewhere that they had a "bathhouse" and they did have electricity.

After we got settled at our site we walked around town and had Italian for dinner. I normally think "I can make spaghetti; why go out for Italian?" but the food was wonderful! So glad we stopped...and the cheesecake was a great leftovers breakfast t…

After we got settled at our site we walked around town and had Italian for dinner. I normally think "I can make spaghetti; why go out for Italian?" but the food was wonderful! So glad we stopped...and the cheesecake was a great leftovers breakfast the next day!


Bike Day Thirty: Centerville, MO (West of Johnson's Shut-Ins) to Pilot Knob, MO

We were nearly straight south from Chicago/Wheaton at this point and it was important for us to get to Wheaton to help Taylor's dad move out of his home. We planned for this to be a shorter morning bike ride of an hour or two then we would drive to Wheaton to spend a few days there. I had just arrived in Pilot's Knob with the van and camper when Taylor called to tell me where he was (about 4 miles from me) and that he had a flat. We figured God was saying "that's your ride for the day; head on to Wheaton" -- so that's what we did!

Downtown Centerville. I kind of forgot until I posted this that yesterday Taylor biked to Centerville and then we drove to Johnson's Shut-Ins State Park -- thus, this morning we drove back to Centerville to start the day's ride.For those biking acro…

Downtown Centerville. I kind of forgot until I posted this that yesterday Taylor biked to Centerville and then we drove to Johnson's Shut-Ins State Park -- thus, this morning we drove back to Centerville to start the day's ride.

For those biking across America with spouses who don't love them quite as much as mine to drive "sag" -- those who are carrying all their stuff -- Centerville invites them to pitch their tent in the middle of the town square. There was one there this morning when we arrived at 6:30am.

We made it to Wheaton and got to show Dad a few photos and get him set up to check out this blog.

We made it to Wheaton and got to show Dad a few photos and get him set up to check out this blog.

We also met up with my parents and brother and his family for dinner one night.

We also met up with my parents and brother and his family for dinner one night.

On the way back our timing didn't work to get all the way back to our bike starting point so we stayed overnight in St. Louis. Why not go on a quick bike ride there?! We rented limebikes and we so, so happy that we didn't have to ride these very far…

On the way back our timing didn't work to get all the way back to our bike starting point so we stayed overnight in St. Louis. Why not go on a quick bike ride there?! We rented limebikes and we so, so happy that we didn't have to ride these very far. The squeaked like crazy!!

On the St. Louis Riverfront urban trail.

On the St. Louis Riverfront urban trail.

It reminded me of the Wiz!

It reminded me of the Wiz!

We couldn't think of a better place to go back to and camp the night before starting to bike again so we went back to the Shut-Ins to rest our heads before starting back on the bike across America.

We couldn't think of a better place to go back to and camp the night before starting to bike again so we went back to the Shut-Ins to rest our heads before starting back on the bike across America.

Bike Day Twenty-Nine: Houston, MO past Centerville, MO to Johnson's Shut-Ins State Park

This morning after Taylor left I moved the camper from Walmart as we promised the manager and promptly parked across the street at McDonald's. This was home base for my run into historic downtown, and for some work using their free internet.We didn'…

This morning after Taylor left I moved the camper from Walmart as we promised the manager and promptly parked across the street at McDonald's. This was home base for my run into historic downtown, and for some work using their free internet.

We didn't realize last night that there was a "historic" downtown of Houston last night when we arrived. We just skirted it on our way to the community swimming pool where they let us shower for free!

We often wonder how some small towns "make it" and others are dead or dying. Here is probably the reason for Houston being a pretty good sized town...

...and perhaps it gets some use.The irony will be apparent if you make this bigger.

...and perhaps it gets some use.

The irony will be apparent if you make this bigger.

A fair number of building were made of this stone. I didn't see any commentary on it, so maybe at some point I'll find out more...

A fair number of building were made of this stone. I didn't see any commentary on it, so maybe at some point I'll find out more...

I made a quick stop to walk around and check out Alley Spring Mill historic site. The contrast of the aqua water and the red was beautiful...

I made a quick stop to walk around and check out Alley Spring Mill historic site. The contrast of the aqua water and the red was beautiful...

It was so hot out...and the roll coaster hills were never ending. We stopped to regroup at the top of a rise, refilled Taylor's water and ice and continued our quest for electricity and a campground!

It was so hot out...and the roll coaster hills were never ending. We stopped to regroup at the top of a rise, refilled Taylor's water and ice and continued our quest for electricity and a campground!

It was a push to get to Johnson's Shut-Ins, but boy were we ever glad we came a little further to get here.

It was a push to get to Johnson's Shut-Ins, but boy were we ever glad we came a little further to get here.

Not only was the campground beautiful, but it had showers, E/W/S, a campground store with snacks and ice and lots of quiet.

Not only was the campground beautiful, but it had showers, E/W/S, a campground store with snacks and ice and lots of quiet.

But what were these "shut-ins"? We went to the visitor center and read about them...

But what were these "shut-ins"? We went to the visitor center and read about them...

Then we walked on the path and boardwalk to check them out.

Then we walked on the path and boardwalk to check them out.

The shut-ins is a natural playground with climbing and mini-waterfalls and water slides. It was a wonderful temperature and a great relief and end to the day.

The shut-ins is a natural playground with climbing and mini-waterfalls and water slides. It was a wonderful temperature and a great relief and end to the day.


Bike Day Twenty-Eight: Everton, MO to Houston, MO

I'm made sure to stay in here until I was ready to leave, once Taylor on his bike. Just in case those ladies were right about snakes...

More rollers today

More rollers today

We met up briefly in Hartville to decide if we should keep going or not. 

We met up briefly in Hartville to decide if we should keep going or not. 

A mural in Hartville that gave us pause... 

A mural in Hartville that gave us pause... 

Taylor decided to keep going. We would plan to finish our day in Houston. When I got there I parked and biked back to him.

Taylor decided to keep going. We would plan to finish our day in Houston. When I got there I parked and biked back to him.

The vista we enjoyed right before the last 7 miles into Houston.

The vista we enjoyed right before the last 7 miles into Houston.

This was our first stay in a Walmart parking lot...and as hot as it was may be our last for the summer. After being so hot this night we decided "no more boondocking unless it is cool out. It is either a campground with electricity or even a hotel f…

This was our first stay in a Walmart parking lot...and as hot as it was may be our last for the summer. After being so hot this night we decided "no more boondocking unless it is cool out. It is either a campground with electricity or even a hotel from now on." However, we did make Cindi happy. She so wanted us to stay at a here we are!!

Bike Day Twenty-Seven: Pittsburg, KS to Everton, MO

We decided to spend a bit longer in Pittsburg in the morning than usual and go out to breakfast before Taylor started biking. We went into town and had a hearty breakfast and ran a few errands. It was pretty fun to compare their "Pitt" Gorillas (from guerrillas of war time) to the "Pitt Panthers" we are so familiar with.

Nearly every business had a gorilla outside!It was a hot afternoon start to biking. Here we took a little break in the shade of the all-familiar Casey's general store. So many towns have one of these and/or a Family Dollar or Dollar fac…

Nearly every business had a gorilla outside!

It was a hot afternoon start to biking. Here we took a little break in the shade of the all-familiar Casey's general store. So many towns have one of these and/or a Family Dollar or Dollar fact that is the best we can do for groceries many days. Starting to like flavored tuna packets and cans of "premium chunk chicken in buffalo sauce."

We surely enjoy our fridge and freezer in the camper though. Most days I can restock Taylor with ice in his camelback, but we've talked to many going cross country who have had to catch a ride when they ran out of water, for example. We have found t…

We surely enjoy our fridge and freezer in the camper though. Most days I can restock Taylor with ice in his camelback, but we've talked to many going cross country who have had to catch a ride when they ran out of water, for example. We have found that many of the small towns that are on our adventure cycling maps that are noted to have a restaurant or convenience store either have closed or are only open until 2pm or something like that. We've supplied folks with snacks or ice along the way as we have encountered needs.

We read on the maps that the hills in Missouri, in the Ozarks are like roller coasters. They hit the lowest of the we see signs like this:

...and saw a number of markers like this...

...and saw a number of markers like this...

If you look closely below you can see what they mean about the roller coaster roads. The danger here for drivers...and thus for that you can't see over the top of the next hill to see what's ahead...including a wide-load cross country bi…

If you look closely below you can see what they mean about the roller coaster roads. The danger here for drivers...and thus for that you can't see over the top of the next hill to see what's ahead...including a wide-load cross country biker (those carrying panniers etc) and there's usually not much of a shoulder here.

We ended the day in Everton, MO -- what my mom would call a "poke and plum town" -- ya poke your head in and you're plum through town. There was a town park there that looked inviting so we pulled in and stayed over.

We ended the day in Everton, MO -- what my mom would call a "poke and plum town" -- ya poke your head in and you're plum through town. There was a town park there that looked inviting so we pulled in and stayed over.

We got to share the park with this William Penn Cabin from 1837...and according to two women who drove through the park and talked to us, we might have shared it with some snakes, too.

We got to share the park with this William Penn Cabin from 1837...and according to two women who drove through the park and talked to us, we might have shared it with some snakes, too.

There wasn't anything open in town, but we still took a walk through before turning in for the night.

There wasn't anything open in town, but we still took a walk through before turning in for the night.

Working on that biker's tan...

Working on that biker's tan...
