Bike Day Thirty: Centerville, MO (West of Johnson's Shut-Ins) to Pilot Knob, MO

We were nearly straight south from Chicago/Wheaton at this point and it was important for us to get to Wheaton to help Taylor's dad move out of his home. We planned for this to be a shorter morning bike ride of an hour or two then we would drive to Wheaton to spend a few days there. I had just arrived in Pilot's Knob with the van and camper when Taylor called to tell me where he was (about 4 miles from me) and that he had a flat. We figured God was saying "that's your ride for the day; head on to Wheaton" -- so that's what we did!

Downtown Centerville. I kind of forgot until I posted this that yesterday Taylor biked to Centerville and then we drove to Johnson's Shut-Ins State Park -- thus, this morning we drove back to Centerville to start the day's ride.For those biking acro…

Downtown Centerville. I kind of forgot until I posted this that yesterday Taylor biked to Centerville and then we drove to Johnson's Shut-Ins State Park -- thus, this morning we drove back to Centerville to start the day's ride.

For those biking across America with spouses who don't love them quite as much as mine to drive "sag" -- those who are carrying all their stuff -- Centerville invites them to pitch their tent in the middle of the town square. There was one there this morning when we arrived at 6:30am.

We made it to Wheaton and got to show Dad a few photos and get him set up to check out this blog.

We made it to Wheaton and got to show Dad a few photos and get him set up to check out this blog.

We also met up with my parents and brother and his family for dinner one night.

We also met up with my parents and brother and his family for dinner one night.

On the way back our timing didn't work to get all the way back to our bike starting point so we stayed overnight in St. Louis. Why not go on a quick bike ride there?! We rented limebikes and we so, so happy that we didn't have to ride these very far…

On the way back our timing didn't work to get all the way back to our bike starting point so we stayed overnight in St. Louis. Why not go on a quick bike ride there?! We rented limebikes and we so, so happy that we didn't have to ride these very far. The squeaked like crazy!!

On the St. Louis Riverfront urban trail.

On the St. Louis Riverfront urban trail.

It reminded me of the Wiz!

It reminded me of the Wiz!

We couldn't think of a better place to go back to and camp the night before starting to bike again so we went back to the Shut-Ins to rest our heads before starting back on the bike across America.

We couldn't think of a better place to go back to and camp the night before starting to bike again so we went back to the Shut-Ins to rest our heads before starting back on the bike across America.