Bike Day Twenty -- Westcliffe, CO to Pueblo, CO

We were warned that we might be nearing some areas where there were fires, but we thought we were going to miss it all...

Detoured near Lake Pueblo State Park, just west of Pueblo proper.

Detoured near Lake Pueblo State Park, just west of Pueblo proper.

Since Lake Pueblo State Park was inaccessible from this end of town and we didn't really want to drive the entire way around we looked for a second option for camping, a bit nearer where we wanted to end up. 

Since Lake Pueblo State Park was inaccessible from this end of town and we didn't really want to drive the entire way around we looked for a second option for camping, a bit nearer where we wanted to end up. 

Fort's looked alright on the way in...and the highly tattooed vet who checked us in was friendly enough...

Fort's looked alright on the way in...and the highly tattooed vet who checked us in was friendly enough...

But we knew we were in a less affluent part of town for sure (if you look carefully you can see the van at our campsite). Most of the folks staying here were long-term in their RVs or mobile homes. Our "next door neighbor" was from Minnesota, wearin…

But we knew we were in a less affluent part of town for sure (if you look carefully you can see the van at our campsite). Most of the folks staying here were long-term in their RVs or mobile homes. Our "next door neighbor" was from Minnesota, wearing a purple shirt and all! He said he was here short term for work.

Cami took a run and came across a number of signs in folks' yards, like this:

Also, on the run...a little photo shout out to Cindi - big fan of Elvis :)

Also, on the run...a little photo shout out to Cindi - big fan of Elvis :)

And also a house that reminded us of La Crosse, near the church we attended Sunday morning (Agape Fellowship - Church of Love). First we tried "City Church" but no one was there...we could see all the empty chairs through the storefront window...won…

And also a house that reminded us of La Crosse, near the church we attended Sunday morning (Agape Fellowship - Church of Love). First we tried "City Church" but no one was there...we could see all the empty chairs through the storefront window...wondered if they did something silly like change their morning worship time for the summer ;)

We found a great little coffee shop that uses solar power, and even uses old rum and bourbon barrels for some of its roasts. We had to pick some up to try with our only coffee drinker Chet when we reconnect with our kids.

We found a great little coffee shop that uses solar power, and even uses old rum and bourbon barrels for some of its roasts. We had to pick some up to try with our only coffee drinker Chet when we reconnect with our kids.

Our next two nights in Pueblo we actually stayed at a hotel and rested the legs! We got the oil changed, paid bills, made phone calls, got the bike chain changed out, had dinner on the riverwalk and looked at the next stretch of our route.

Our next two nights in Pueblo we actually stayed at a hotel and rested the legs! We got the oil changed, paid bills, made phone calls, got the bike chain changed out, had dinner on the riverwalk and looked at the next stretch of our route.

Back to riding on Tuesday morning 7/3...destination Eads, CO about 110 miles. We'll probably be staying in the city park this night and the next since there are little to no services for the next couple days. I hope the wind is in my favor…

Back to riding on Tuesday morning 7/3...destination Eads, CO about 110 miles. We'll probably be staying in the city park this night and the next since there are little to no services for the next couple days. I hope the wind is in my favor, or not totally against my favor! (This is outside the children's museum and Sangre de Christo Arts Center across from our hotel downtown).