Bike Day Seventeen -- Priest Gulch (east of Stoner, CO) to Montrose, CO

The temps dropped overnight and we had to turn on the heat in the camper. In fact, it was in the 40's when I started biking but by the time I got to Rico it was 31 degrees!

Had to wear sweats to get ready this morning

Had to wear sweats to get ready this morning

Cami enjoyed driving the van and camper over this little bridge...not

Cami enjoyed driving the van and camper over this little bridge...not

That's where I came from...

That's where I came from...

Garmin's ready...

Garmin's ready...

That's where I'm going...

That's where I'm going...

Cami and I met up in Telluride for some "healthy mountain food" which included lattes and a cream cheese danish :)

Cami and I met up in Telluride for some "healthy mountain food" which included lattes and a cream cheese danish :)

Then we took the free gondola ride up to Mountain Village

Then we took the free gondola ride up to Mountain Village

Cami had parked the van and trailer in a great spot at a park at the end of town. We came back to a very unfriendly note from someone who didn't appreciate us taking up 4 spots. At the beginning of the day there were plenty of spots. We did make 4 p…

Cami had parked the van and trailer in a great spot at a park at the end of town. We came back to a very unfriendly note from someone who didn't appreciate us taking up 4 spots. At the beginning of the day there were plenty of spots. We did make 4 people happy when we left, though!

On the outskirts of Montrose there was a beautiful Ute museum with dwellings. Cami got to walk around and check it out while she awaited my arrival to town.

On the outskirts of Montrose there was a beautiful Ute museum with dwellings. Cami got to walk around and check it out while she awaited my arrival to town.

Every few blocks in Montrose is a huge bronze western sculpture like this one

Every few blocks in Montrose is a huge bronze western sculpture like this one

We camped in a city park in Montrose that we read about on another blog and found out that they were open to having campers there for 24 hours. It was a bit sketchy, with a van and a car that stayed overnight as well with doors wide open, a little b…

We camped in a city park in Montrose that we read about on another blog and found out that they were open to having campers there for 24 hours. It was a bit sketchy, with a van and a car that stayed overnight as well with doors wide open, a little bit of activity in the parking lot in the middle of the night...but overall it worked out great. We bought a watermelon and knowing we couldn't eat the whole thing cut it in half, cut it into chunks and gave half to a couple homeless-looking guys sitting in the park with their dog at a picnic table.  This was the riverwalk near the park...where we took a brief stroll before figuring we better get back to our stuff and keep an eye on it...