After Taylor got on the road I took a run, up a slight incline to the Sante Fe Trail museum and then through town. The museum wasn't open yet so I took a brief walk/jog through the grounds. (I did get told to leave as I was leaving and that I could come back in a half hour -- but by then I'd be on the road myself...)
Ah...the now more familiar limestone posts and barbed wire fence.
With few building materials (thus limestone fence posts) settlers had to make sod houses...a big contributor to the dust bowl situation.
This is pretty typical of the small downs we go through...lots of closed businesses.
Maybe if I look back over the map I can remember what town this was...but their was unforgettable. One apple pie slice for Cami and One coconut cream pie slice for Taylor later...we were pleasantly satisfied and back on the road again.
Heavy rain had us sit for a spell in Buhler, KS. This little town actually was pretty happening. There was a candy store, a large used clothing store and we spotted a sign for LaVon's BBQ. Boy, were we glad we decided to get a snack there!
Here's LaVon -- I was really trying to get a photo of the biscuit and butter sign for Jessica and Haley!! but I captured her as well. This place is definitely worth a visit if you are ever nearby. Great vernika and sausage -- which we never had before -- and then she brought us a free slice of pie (which was better than the last one!)
It's kind of like a cottage cheese filled dumpling with ham gravy...and a sausage. Can you imagine how tasty that was?!
Sunny on half; stormy on the other...sort of what our day was like. The roads cleared but we couldn't find a place to camp anywhere west of Newton so Taylor had to bike another 10 miles or so past Newton, but it was worth it...
This was a gorgeous county park on a lake...with showers and electricity. Bonus!
We heard a sound near water's was carp! Have you ever heard carp "kissing" the seaweed off rocks? Have you ever seen carp lips? you go! crazy!!